Post Your Art on NCA’s Facebook Page

An Opportunity to Show and Sell Online

Calling all Northern California Arts, Inc. Members! You can now post your artwork to our official Facebook page! It is a way for NCA artists to promote and sell their artwork.

Note that NCA members may submit artwork and information continuously, throughout the year.

Sale of the art is between the artist and the patron. We would appreciate the artist donating 10% of the sale price to NCA, either via the NCA website “Donate” button, or by check made out to NCA. Send checks to: Attention: NCA Treasurer, NCA, 5330B Gibbons Drive, Carmichael, CA 95608.

How to Post

To post your artwork on the NCA Facebook page, email Paul Dessau ( the following information.

  1. A photo in .jpeg format of your artwork. Notes: Please provide a quality picture. For 2-D art, art should be unframed. For 3-D art, photograph your piece with a plain background.
  2. Artist name, title, media, size, and retail price or NFS
  3. A few sentences about what inspired the piece, to inspire viewers
  4. A 150-word Artist Statement. If you wish, include something about NCA

Paul will post copyrights belonging to the artist with each posting. There is no cost for posting, this is a member benefit. A 10% donation is appreciated after an artwork sells.

NCA Facebook page: