Art Exhibits

Northern California Artists, Inc. exhibits several art exhibits each year. All are held in the galleries of the Sacramento Fine Arts Center.  Since NCA welcomes artists working in all mediums, the exhibits often include a variety of two dimensional and three dimensional works.

National Juried Undergraduate Printmaking Aspiring Artist Debut

The Print Club at CSUS has been invited by the board of Northern California Arts to plan an exhibition to be held in November 2021 at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center. This exhibition will include work by CSUS printmaking students in one gallery and work by undergraduate students juried from a national call for entries in a second gallery

Members’ Show

This annual show is for all members of Northern California Arts, Inc.

Bold Expressions

The Bold Expressions Open Show accepts entries from the international art community.  This juried show is highly competitive, and cash prizes are awarded.

Featured Artist

Ongoing. At each General Meeting, members are invited to bring a piece to display for the evening, and vote for their favorite. The winning piece is exhibited in the Sacramento Fine Arts Center until the following meeting.